Monday, March 07, 2011

Planning for St. Pat's

The jasmine has finally peaked. When I open the doors, a wave of scent rolls in. It's been years since I was here at this time of year and able to enjoy this magnificent blooming season.

No more jigging for me on St. Patrick's day. With my maiden name being Killeen, there were countless  St. Patrick's day celebrations over the years, but now we settle happily for corned beef, cabbage and a Guinness. I might have listened to the River Dance thing as well, but my husband can't stand it - or any kind of clog dancing, from years in the foreign service attending the obligatory local cultural shows. So the closest we will come to jigging is an imaginary visit to the jigsaw puzzle location shaping up on the kitchen table - what's the name of that place? Kerry's something.....oh yes, Kerry's Vintage Inn. 

1 comment:

  1. i love your st. patrick's day plans. The puzzle is a great idea. A much better idea than celebrating at out local pub.
