Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Scanner

Got a new printer, scanner, copier for $69 at Target, an Epson. What a joy to install another wireless device and get rid of another two cords! The rat's nest of cables and cords under my desk is gradually dwindling. 

I couldn't believe the quality of the scan of this letter. The fading colors, creases, spots of this and that, are all visible! Now I can finish scanning the box full of letters, photos and other documents I've got squirreled away. 

Oh, in case you're interested in the story in the letter, my father enlisted when he was underage for combat. As soon as he turned nineteen he was moved to the firing line and was wounded on his first day, sent to Aldershot England to recover and of course the war ended so he never had to go back into combat. Canadians were cannon fodder so he was a lucky guy. I was so impressed that my grandmother in Canada got a reply to her request in a little more than a month - from England! during a war! in 1918! 


  1. Wow! That's really neat!

  2. What a birthday present- the firing line!!
    I have an epson scanner/printer, too.
    I'm not quite used to it yet, but have had some troubles. I used to have an hp and it drove me crazy, but at least I was used to it.
    How's that for a boring comment?
