Friday, October 19, 2012

The Sticky Beak

I recalled this photo from my family archive when I saw Kat's selection for this week. That's me in front, looking frightened by the ghostly image of my sister peering at me from the other side. As I was three years old, I don't think I'd have been much help cleaning the window so I suspect my Dad and sister cooked this little scene up.

In the photo of the week, I agree with other contributors that the snoopy guy in the murky window is a Nosey Parker or has a "sticky beak" as the Australians say. He's probably neglecting his own job and as my mother, being quick with the cliche, used to say, he should "mind his own business."

On second thought, perhaps he is doing his job. It crossed my mind that he could be a lip reader, hard at work. Police and agencies like the CIA use lip readers even though they have a modest success rate and can be easily thrown off by an accent or a mustache. Note that if you're going to do covert work, (and you're not a ventriloquist, or Mary Matalin or have a pair of naturally immovable lips) one of the smarter moves you could make is to grow some facial hair. Or as demonstrated by the coppers here, make sure your back is to the window and the brim of your hat is low.

In my own case, I'm unable to raise much of a mustache, even though this was supposed to be one of the benefits of I keep an anti-lip reader disguise at hand, ready at a moment's notice. Here in Fallbrook, you can't be too cautious....

Put on your own disguise of choice and help unravel the mysteries at



  1. Lip-reading -- now there's a twist I hadn't thought of! The window photo of you and your sister is terrific.

  2. Definitely a worried look; enough to put you off window cleaning for life. I can grow eyebrows like that only grey in colour but any moustache turns out ginger.

  3. That's a great picture. I would have been really puzzled if you hadn't explained that it was your sister behind the window.

  4. Sticky beak is a great expression. Your father has caught the moment brilliantly. Sister, eh.

  5. What a great photobomb. I wonder why your sister chose to stand behind the window instead of in front helping her too young helpless sister wash that window. Was she mocking you?

  6. Oh I just absolutely liked reading this post. That photobomb ghost of a face in the window, how ever did you get one to match the theme photo so well! Truly a gigantically major bravo!

  7. I thought for a minute that I was looking at Groucho Marx.

  8. Such a funny post! Love the photo of you and your sister too.

  9. Fun picture of you and your sister. She does look a bit ghostly standing behind the window. Like your twist on this week's theme.

  10. Sticky beaks and lip readers! It just doesn't get any better than that!

  11. You are so funny, Helen! Be thankful that menopause didn't bring you a mustache, lol.

    That pic of you and your sister is so cool. I like that they thought of doing that ... what a keepsake.

    Kathy M.

  12. What a wonderful picture. It certainly has a ghostly look about it; no wonder you look so unsure.

  13. Sure is a funny twist on the theme!!
    A mustache, a benefit of menopause. my [girl]friends might disagree with you...

    I love that first pic, and if it's any consolation, I am now in my 50s and still no help in regards to doing window. Can't do a proper job, even if my life depended on it...
