Saturday, July 25, 2009

Getting comfortable.

Oddly, since my hearing change, more noises bother me. Last night we ate at Rosa's - a local Mexican joint and it was all I could do to sit there for 45 minutes. A car alarm kept going off, kids were shouting in the parking lot, a plane roared overhead, the radio was playing and people in conversation surrounded us. A fly kept hovering over the food and with shooting pains in the ear, the incessantly itching foot and a pulled back muscle, I can't get comfortable. The sounds all enter my one hearing ear at about the same level. Sorting them out - screening out one thing for another is almost impossible, so trying to hear a conversation even when sitting right beside someone is difficult and I strain.

Altogether an exhausting hour instead of a time to relax. We're starting to know as soon as we go into a building if it's going to be uncomfortable for me or not.

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